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Mocking Dependencies in Swift Unit Tests: Write Testable Code following POP

We should always write unit test for our code. We all know that, right? But sometimes having external dependencies make it very hard to test a class. Sometimes even almost impossible. Today I am going to discuss on how to solve this problem using mock dependencies in swift unit test.

The Problem

The root of the problem is actually not the dependencies. But how we manage them. To write testable code, dependencies should always be decoupled and isolated. In other words “Dependencies should be Inverted”. Rings any bell? Yes, it’s the Dependency Inversion Rule from the SOLID principle.

Dependency Injection to the rescue…

We should inject all dependencies to decouple code. It can be constructor injection, property injection or method injection. I prefer to use constructor injection over the others whenever possible. Because it enforces the dependency requirement by making it container-agnostic.

A use-case scenario

Let’s assume we have an app that relies on user login via OAUTH2 authentication. The authentication is handled in a struct named AuthManager. After a successful login/signup it saves users accessToken and refreshToken using a AuthToken object. The token object is then securely stored in users keychain. The storing and retrieving mechanism of the keychain is handled in another struct called KeychainManager.

Now if we didn’t know anything about dependency inversion and unit testing, we could create the instances as:

struct AuthToken { let accessToken: String let refreshToken: String } struct AuthManager { ... var authToken: AuthToken { get { getTokenFromKeychain() } set { setTokenInKeychain(token: newValue) } } private let keychainManager = KeychainManager() private func getTokenFromKeychain() -> AuthToken { let accessToken = keychainManager.get(valueByKey: .accessToken) let refreshToken = keychainManager.get(valueByKey: .refreshToken) return AuthToken(accessToken: accessToken, refreshToken: refreshToken) } private func setTokenInKeychain(token: AuthToken) { keychainManager.set(asValue: token.accessToken, byKey: .accessToken) keychainManager.set(asValue: token.refreshToken, byKey: .refreshToken) } ... } enum Key: String { case accessToken, refreshToken } struct KeychainManager { // the actual keychain as an example object instance private let keychain: Keychain func get(valueByKey key: Key) -> String { keychain.getString(key.rawValue) } func set(asValue value: String, byKey key: Key) { keychain.set(value, key: key.rawValue) } }
Code language: Swift (swift)

On surface this code looks pretty good. However there are two problems:

Which leads us to our second problem:

Meanwhile, if we omit writing unit tests, it is possible to make the mistake inside setTokenInKeychain method as:

private func setTokenInKeychain(token: AuthToken) { keychainManager.set(asValue: token.accessToken, byKey: .refreshToken) keychainManager.set(asValue: token.refreshToken, byKey: .accessToken) }
Code language: Swift (swift)

And it will get pretty hard to catch this sneaky bug.

The solution: Protocol Oriented Programming

The general idea is to rely on swift protocols to decouple dependency and make a class/struct testable in isolation.

For instance, in our example use-case the dependency graph is:
AuthManager depends on KeychainManager. Some other instance (e.g. UserService) could depend on AuthManager. So how do we decouple the dependencies? In addition, how do we test these instances in isolation?

To solve this, we need to-

Therefore each instance can have their own set of swift unit test, that can run in isolation.

If we take the relation between keychainManager and AuthManager, and separate the keychain dependency behaviour as protocol:

public protocol KeychainManageable { func get(valueByKey key: Key) -> String? func set(asValue value: String, byKey key: Key) }
Code language: Swift (swift)

The AuthManager can use it via constructor injection as:

init(keychainManager: KeychainManageable) { self.keychainManager = keychainManager }
Code language: Swift (swift)

In our real application we can initialize it with the real KeychainManager.

let manager = AuthManager(keychainManager: KeychainManager())
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In addition, we can now write unit tests for it by passing a mock KeychainManager dependency.

let sut = AuthManager(keychainManager: MockKeychainManager())
Code language: Swift (swift)

The MockKeychainManager has to implement the KeychainManageable protocol to mimic the behaviour of users keychain.

class MockKeychainManager: KeychainManageable { private var storage = [Key: String]() func get(valueByKey key: Key) -> String { storage[key] } func set(asValue value: String, byKey key: Key) { storage[key] = value } }
Code language: Swift (swift)

As a result, we can now make sure our test cases cover the behaviour of the AuthManager instance without enforcing/exposing the real dependency.

class AuthManagerTests: XCTestCase { var sut: AuthManager! var token: AuthToken! override func setup() { token = AuthToken(accessToken: "AccessToken", refreshToken: "RefreshToken") sut = AuthManager(keychainManager: MockKecychainManager()) sut.authToken = token } override func tearDown() { sut = nil token = nil } func testAuthManagerDidSetCorrectAccessToken() { XCTAssertEqual(sut.authToken.accessToken, token.accessToken) } func testAuthManagerDidSetCorrectRefreshToken() { XCTAssertEqual(sut.authToken.refreshToken, token.refreshToken) } }
Code language: Swift (swift)

We can now easily avoid making the mistake of setting wrong token value to keychain. If we do that, our unit tests testAuthManagerDidSetCorrectAccessToken and testAuthManagerDidSetCorrectRefreshToken will fail.

Similarly, we can also mock the AuthManager by defining a AuthManageable protocol.

protocol AuthManageable { init(keychainManager: KeychainManageable) var authToken: AuthToken { get set } }
Code language: Swift (swift)

This way we’d be able to construct the UserService by passing AuthManageable as dependency. As a result, we’d be able to unit it test by passing a MockAuthManager instance.

Final words

In conclusion, to write testable and decoupled code, we have to always remember:

Dependencies should be passed down instead of initiated.

Above all, for long running projects, we can run into situations where we’ve to replace a dependency entirely. In scenarios like that; decoupling instances not only helps us with writing unit tests, but also helps us to get away with minimal changes.

I hope this blog will help someone to understand the concepts of Mocking and Dependency Injection a little better. As well as understanding the importance of writing unit tests for you application.

Happy coding!